Monday, September 20, 2004

Random Ranting and Raving

I was watching TV today and I've concluded that whoever decided to change the TV shows sucks! What ever happened to all of the great shows that I watched while growing up? I mean seriously Fraggle Rock, the Smurfs, Carebears, Rainbow Brite, Strawberry Shortcake, Lady Lovely Locks, My Little Pony, Gummy Bears, and Ninja Turtles. Then you get into the whole classic Nickelodeon shows like Norman the Gnome and Urika's Castle. Add to that Sesame Street, the Muppet Show, Muppet Babies, Pound Puppies, Shera, Transformers, Lamb Chop, Wishbone, Winnie the Pooh, and Jem. God, those were the good 'ole days.

Sitting down watching TV now makes me long for those fun shows. I can't believe the way that TV shows are today. I mean not that many of the shows I watched were all that great, but some of them on today are just bad. That's the only way that I can describe it.

I know that if you read through most of my entries I talk about my past and childhood, but I only write about what I know. What I can tell you that I know for sure, is that kids now are missing out on a lot of great things. Growing up in the 80's and 90's was fun to say the least. Where else could you have watched Alf, Punky Bruster, Blossom, and Charles in Charge? You can't forget Golden Girls, Levern and Shirley, or MacGyver. I still remember watching some of these shows while being babysat. I'd sit there in front of the TV coloring or painting.

Those were some pretty great shows. If you're lucky you can catch them on late might TV reruns. As you can probably imagine I'm sitting here in my dorm room reminiscing about the good old days when I should be sleeping because I have an 8AM class in the morning. So with that said, I'll leave you to remembering all those good times growing up.

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