Friday, September 17, 2004

Life Is Confusing

There is much in this life that can't be explained and while there are many who seek the answers to the unknown, some things are better left the way that they are. Why is it that people feel the need to know the answers the everything? Life could be so simple if everyone stopped trying to prove or disprove things in nature and their lives.

I find it hard often times to watch the things that are going on in the world around me. Not for a lack of interest, but from the lack of wanting to watch the world slowly corrupt and destroy itself. I look at the world we live in and am ashamed by the way things are. Life could be so simple if people could settle their differences and get along.

Many people are too concerned with their own self gain to see all of the problems that are arising in our lives. Material objects and possessions are what many people are after, but once one has them, what's the point? Life these days is very superficial! A lot of people place value on appearances rather than self worth and ability. The world, if anything is impersonal, a far cry from the once intimate place that existed in times not long gone by. People actually interacted with one another on a daily basis as a means of livelihood. Now we're lucky if we can contact one another on the phone or via the internet.

Don't get me wrong, there are some great things in the world today, but I just hope for something more and better than what is before me. I know that my idealistic dreams are just that, dreams, but I can't help but wonder what if things were different?

It is hard to imagine any other life than the one that I've known. Many times I find myself trying to imagine what it would be like to be someone else, if only for a little while. I used to see the world in such vivid hues and dream about what my life would be like when I got older. Now that I am older, I long for those days of blissful innocence, when nothing really mattered.

I try to rationalize how we got here and yet I can't really explain any of my own questions. Life is a mystery, one which hopefully never loses its thrill and adventure. I like daring to believe and trying new things.

My one hope, however, is that despite all of our differences and advances in technology, that we never forget where we came from. I know that this may sound cliche and a bit over done, but I can't help but think about the past and the founders of our country. What would they think if they saw the results of their sacrifices? Would they marvel at the way things are, or would they be appalled by the lack of the values that they were governed by?

I know that change is a good thing and that I need to get used to change, but that doesn't mean that I have to like it. I watch the world in front of me changing daily, while I'm still struggling to catch up with changes that took place what seem like ages ago. I'm still baffled at how rapidly life changes.

I just watched "Cold Mountain" and I can honestly say that it was hard to watch. Any war movie is hard to watch, but this one was just rough. The years of the Civil War were some pretty dark times in the US. We weren't really fighting "the enemy," we were fighting each other. Just the thought of such an event made my bold run cold and my heart nearly break. The vivid images and the graphic fights still stand out in my mind. I think the fact that this movies stands out in my mind so much is because of the fact that it really took place.

While today we aren't fighting amongst ourselves, we are still fighting. I may have my own thoughts and opinions on the way things are going right now in life in general, but I give my full support to the troops! They are just doing their job, fighting to ensure that we are all safe and sound. My thoughts and prayers go out to them and their families.

Hopefully, some time soon we can all find the peace that we all seem to need and crave. Living in fear of a constant threat is unsettling. I have a feeling that change is coming, whether good or bad, we have yet to know. One way or the other things are going to get interesting and I think that only time will tell the outcome of the events that are yet to take place.

I have a strong feeling that I am going to read this when I wake up in the morning and smack myself for ranting on because I couldn't think of anything else to do when I couldn't sleep. Until next time.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hello jen my name is david. im 17 and im from australia.

recently i went on my year 12 retreat, if you dont know year 12 is the last year of high school in australia.

on retreat i questioned alot of things and i still am.

i agree with u about the world. people are so disconnected. i wsnt around 20 year ago. but from what ive heard it was alot different as u pointed out.

since my generation is so trivial. im wondering would the next generation be worst. Or could they possibly be what ive always wished people were.

the would reject materialism, they would destroy lonliness and segragation. they would fight for equality they would give 3rd world citizen a better chance. people who are different will be accepted as people.

basically every single human being would be accepted into the community and the emphasis would be on others not the self.

just imagine that imagine!!!!!!!!!!

well anyway i guess the only thing you can do is to is try to perfect yourself, transfrom yourself in the hope that u become like a drop of rain falling on a lake, giving out a ripple effect on the surrounding water, in other words effeting every one who would come in contact with you.

It's sad, if i told my friends what i thought about they would probably think im on drugs or some kind of freak.

but what is worrying me latley is even if our lives where better, whatsthe point of all of it. what on earth are we. why do we look like what we look there something supernatural that has a hand in creation. what is supernatural. whats god. what is this place.

why??? what???? too many?????

does anything really matter???

maybe all the answers will be revealed when were dead.

sorry for going on a tangent and not really commenting on what u wrote. i really needed to share these thoughts with someone who would not judge me, seeing as you seem to be thinking the same thoughts

well if u have any comment on my comment my msn is