Monday, October 04, 2004

Music To My Ears

If I know one thing about music, I know that it is a release of emotion. Each different type of music expresses emotions differently and yet they seem to be saying the same thing. Songs can tell you someone's whole life story, or they can capture a particular moment in time.

Music can help you through just about anything. Just turn on the radio or pop in your favorite CD and you're bound to find a song that can relate to what you're feeling. It's amazing how some people have that gift to be able to capture life and put it into words that we can all read and understand.

I don't know about you, but I've been listening to music my entire life. Whether it was the 80's music (hair bands/rock), or if it was oldies and light rock, there was always music playing in the house while growing up. Even today music plays a big part in my life. It can either sooth the soul or it helps you to let out your anger and aggression by just listening to the lyrics.

I was supposed to get tickets to go see Alter Bridge and Crossfade at the Avalon in Boston, but plans fell through and I ended up without the tickets. Then I was supposed to go to Locobazooka 2004, but yet again I was unable to go for various reason, even though most of my new favorite bands were playing. My brother, however, did manage to go and guess what? He was front row throughout the entire show! Yeah, how jealous am I?

A lot of the bands that played are local or not very well known, but their music is great! I mean check out the line up from Loco.

Well back to the point that I was trying to make. My brother, the sweet guy that he is, IM-ed me tonight and asked if I wanted to go see Dogfight. Of course you could imagine my surprise! I told him yes immediately and now he's taking care of the whole ticket thing, which, cross your fingers, won't fall through again.

There's nothing like a good song to make your life seem so much better! I absolutely love the newer rock music, well, it's new to me at least. I love how a lot of the bands are going back to the music!

So to all you music lovers out there check out the links above. Until next time.

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