Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Back Again!

Well, I'm back from winter break and have decided to continue this blog in my free time. I wasn't really sure if I'd want to but I figured that this is a good way to keep on writing. I'm now taking a creative writing class, which is really great so I hope that everything goes well for that class. Yet again I have a pretty full schedule, but life goes on. I'm now that much closer to graduating and getting the hell out of here. Don't get me wrong, I like the whole living away from home deal, I just don't like the whole going to class part of the situation.

Winter break was fun and I loved hanging out at home relaxing, and that's pretty much all that I did, relax. I read probably 15 books and just hung out around the house and with my family and closest friends. However, I wanted to rip my hair out by the second week because it fell back into the old "hey Jen's home routine," which just pissed me off, but oh well.

I don't really have too much to write about write now. I'm not feeling particularly creative seeing how I just rolled out of bed. I'll post somethign new relatively soon.
